Sometimes referred to as coffee cherry or berry, coffee fruit is the small red or purple fruit from the coffee plant. It has two distinct parts: the beans, which are the seeds of the coffee fruit and are the staple ingredient in the beverage of coffee; and the other parts are the skin and pulp.
Cascara means “husk,” “peel” or “skin” in Spanish. The outer skin is thick and slightly bitter in flavor, while the pulp , or fruit flesh, directly beneath is sweet and has the texture of a grape. Cascara is often described as having a sweet, fruity taste with notes of rose hip, hibiscus, cherry, red current, mango or even tobacco.
Hot Drink
· Put 18 grams of cascara (0.6 oz., or a heaping Tbsp.) into a sachet or tea strainer.
· Add 300 grams (10.5 oz.) of 200°F water.
· Steep 4-5 minutes.
· Strain and enjoy!
Cold Drink
· Add 100 grams (3.5 oz.) cascara to 1 liter cold water.
· Steep for 24 hours.
Strain, pour over ice, and enjoy!
Cascara Coffee Fruit Powder
Cascara Coffee Fruit Extract 10:1